How does FaceTime Work?

As an ex-pat living in Denmark, I use FaceTime audio a lot. Not only is it simple to use and reliable, but the sound quality is incredible. For those of you old enough to remember landlines, it reminds me of those but if you had a good headset. When we…

Why I'm Excited for the Steam Deck

When the Steam Deck preorders went live, I went nuts. I was standing in my living room with an iPad, laptop and phone ready to go. Thankfully I got my order in quickly and I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to enjoy the Steam Deck in…

My Development Setup

I've been seeing a lot of these going around lately and thought it might be fun to write up my own. I have no idea if this is typical or super bizarre, but it has worked extremely well for me for the last few years. Development Hardware * Raspberry…

TIL Command to get memory usage by process in Linux

If like me you are constantly trying to figure out using a combination of ps and free to see what is eating all your memory, check this out: ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size | \ awk '{ hr=$1/1024 ; printf("%13.2f Mb ",hr) } { for ( x=…