How to make the Mac better for developers
What would I ask Apple for if I was on their Developer Pro Workflow team…
What would I ask Apple for if I was on their Developer Pro Workflow team…
One surreal experience as my career has progressed is the intense feeling of deja vu you get hit with during meetings. From time to time, someone will mention something and you'll flash back to the same meeting you had about this a few jobs ago. A decision was…
Section 2 of our DevOps Crash Course…
The first crash course in how to successfully step into a DevOps role.…
If like me you are constantly trying to figure out using a combination of ps and free to see what is eating all your memory, check this out: ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size | \ awk '{ hr=$1/1024 ; printf("%13.2f Mb ",hr) } { for ( x=…
You, like me, might assume that when you write a docker-compose healthcheck, it does something useful with that information. So for instance you might add something like this to your docker-compose file: healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "-L", "http://localhost/website.…
Someone Is Making Something Up One of the biggest stories right now in the tech world is the bombshell dropped by Bloomberg that the biggest names in tech have been hacked. Not through a software exploit or through some gap in a firewall, but by the Chinese government infiltrating their…
Some common Git tips and trips…