Help Me Help You, Maintainers

at one point i questioned my desire to help people get into open source image unrelated

Steve Klabnik ( 2025-03-03T20:04:06.152Z

Anybody who has worked in a tech stack of nearly any complexity outside of Hello World is aware of the problems with the current state of the open-source world. Open source projects, created by individuals or small teams to satisfy a specific desire they have or problem they want to solve, are adopted en masse by large organizations whose primary interest in consuming them are saving time and/or money. These organizations rarely contribute back to these projects, creating a chain of critical dependencies that are maintained inconsistently.

Similar to if your general contractor got cement from a guy whose hobby was mixing cement, the results are (understandably) all over the place. Sometimes the maintainer does a great job for awhile then gets bored or burned out and leaves. Sometimes the project becomes important enough that a vanishingly small percentage of the profit generated by the project is redirect back towards it and a person can eek out a meager existence keeping everything working. Often they're left in a sort of limbo state, being pushed forward by one or two people while the community exists in a primarily consumption role. Whatever stuff these two want to add or PRs they want to merge is what gets pushed in.

In the greater tech community, we have a lot of conversations about how we can help maintainers. Since a lot of the OSS community trends towards libertarian, the vibe is more "how can we encourage more voluntary non-mandated assistance towards these independent free agents for whom we bare no responsibility and who have no responsibility towards us". These conversations go nowhere because the idea of a widespread equal distribution of resources based on value without an enforcement mechanism is a pipe dream. The basic diagram looks like this:

 |                                                               |
 |  "We need to support open-source maintainers better!"         |
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 |  "Let's have a conference to discuss how to help them!"       |
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 |  "We should provide resources without adding requirements."   |
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 |  "But how do we do that without more funding or time?"        |
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 |  "Let's ask the maintainers what they need!"                  |
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 |  Maintainers: "We need more support and less pressure!"       |
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 |  "Great! We'll discuss this at the next conference!"          |
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 |  "We need to support open-source maintainers better!"         |
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I've already read this post a thousand times

So we know all this. But as someone who uses a lot of OSS and (tries) to provide meaningful feedback and refinements back to the stuff I use, I'd like to talk about a different problem. The problem I'm talking about is how hard it is to render assistance to maintainers. Despite endless hours of people talking about how we should "help maintainers more", it's never been less clear what that actually means.

I, as a person, have a finite amount of time on this Earth. I want to help you, but I need the process to help you to make some sort of sense. It also has to have some sort of consideration for my time and effort. So I'd like to propose just a few things I've run into over the last few years I'd love if maintainers could do just to help me be of service to you.

  • If you don't want PRs, just say that. It's fine, but the number of times I have come across projects with a ton of good PRs just sitting there is alarming. Just say "we don't merge in non-maintainers PRs" and move on.
  • Don't automatically close bug reports. You are under zero ethical obligation to respond to or solve my bug report. But at the very least, don't close it because nobody does anything with it for 30 days. Time passing doesn't make it less real. There's no penalty for having a lot of open bug reports.
  • If you want me to help, don't make me go to seven systems. The number of times I've opened an issue on GitHub only to then have to discuss it on Discord or Slack and then follow-up with someone via an email is just a little maddening. If your stuff is on GitHub do everything there. If you want to have a chat community, fine I guess, but I don't want to join your tech support chat channel.
  • Archive when you are done. You don't need to explain why you are doing this to anyone on Earth, but if you are done with a project archive it and move on. You aren't doing any favors by letting it sit forever collecting bug reports and PRs. Archiving it says "if you wanna fork this and take it over, great, but I don't want anything to do with it anymore".
  • Provide an example of how you want me to contribute. Don't say "we prefer PRs with tests". Find a good one, one that did it the right way and give me the link to it. Or make it yourselves. I'm totally willing to jump through a lot of hoops for the first part, but it's so frustrating when I'm trying to help and the response is "well actually what we meant by tests is we like things like this".
  • If you have some sort of vision of what the product is or isn't, tell me about it. This comes up a lot when you go to add a feature that seems pretty obvious only to have the person close it with an exhausted response of "we've already been over this a hundred times". I understand this is old news to you, but I just got here. If you have stuff that comes up a lot that you don't want people to bother you with, mention it in the README. I promise I'll read it and I won't bother you!
  • If what you want is money, say that. I actually prefer when a maintainer says something like "donors bug reports go to the front of the line" or something to that effect. If you are a maintainer who feels unappreciated and overwhelmed, I get that and I want to work with you. If the solution is "my organization pays you to look at the bug report first", that's totally ethnically acceptable. For some reason this seems icky to the community ethos in general, but to me it just makes sense. Just make it clear how it works.
  • If there are tasks you think are worth doing but don't want to do, flag them. I absolutely love when maintainers do this. "Hey this is a good idea, it's worth doing, but it's a lot of work and we don't want to do it right now". It's the perfect place for someone to start and it hits that sweet spot of high return on effort.

I don't want this to read like "I, an entitled brat, believe that maintainers owe me". You provide an amazing service and I want to help. But part of helping is I need to understand what is it that you would like me to do. Because the open-source community doesn't adopt any sort of consistent cross-project set of guidelines (see weird libertarian bent) it is up to each one to tell me how they'd like to me assist them.

But I don't want to waste a lot of time waiting for a perfect centralized solution to this problem to manifest. It's your project, you are welcome to do with it whatever you want (including destroy it), but if you want outside help then you need to sit down and just walk through the question of "what does help look like". Tell me what I can do, even if the only thing I can do is "pay you money".