Stuff To Buy: American Expat Edition

One of the more common questions I hear get thrown around expat groups is "what should I buy before I move" or "what should I send to a loved one who is currently living in Europe". While I am not an expert on what is available…

RG300 Review

A surprisingly good value for retro-gamers of all ages. The Good Old Days Retro gaming as a hobby has exploded in the last ten years, as gamers turn away from modern releases and return to the games of their childhoods. With less complicated systems, familiar art and music styles and…

Tips and Resource for New DnD 5e DMs

Welcome to the show! Being a DM is one of the more rewarding things you can do in the gaming space. It is the only opportunity I've ever had to truly create anything I want. After some time DMing you will struggle to enjoy videogames the same way,…

Tips for Foreign Exchange Parents

I'm coming up on the halfway mark for this year of sponsoring a student from Norway. For those who stumble across this wondering "was the experience worth it" let me reassure you right away. It's an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade…

IKEA Kadrilj Review

IKEA Smart Home: Everything you love and hate about IKEA at once Living in Denmark usually means I get everything late compared to the US. Movies come out a bit later, technology often isn’t available, etc. So I delighted to learn (likely due to the extreme proximity between Denmark…

This Bloomberg Story Makes No Sense

Someone Is Making Something Up One of the biggest stories right now in the tech world is the bombshell dropped by Bloomberg that the biggest names in tech have been hacked. Not through a software exploit or through some gap in a firewall, but by the Chinese government infiltrating their…

What is DNS?

DNS. The source of and solution to every problem. I've worked in IT for my entire life in one capacity or another. Starting out as an "intern" for a local computer repair shop in my hometown, I developed strong opinions about many technologies. None of them…